Looking From The Mine to Sunrise Town

Colorado Fuel & Iron Company
Sunrise, Wyoming

Red Ochre, Chert, Copper and Iron ore, all were harvested from this site.

Looking From The Mine to Sunrise Town


Sunrise Iron Ore

Served as the principal source of iron used at the CF&I plant in Pueblo, Colorado.

Miner Drilling at Sunrise

C&N, U.P.,WR&I, C&S, CB&Q

Thousands of tons of Sunrise ore were shipped by rail 375 miles south to Pueblo, Colorado.

Ore Cars and Steam Shovel at Sunrise



The Players

Ichabod BartlettIchabod Bartlett

Charles GuernseyCharles Guernsey


John C OsgoodJohn C Osgood


John D. Rockefeller.John D. Rockefeller Sr.


First Mine Owner

In 1881, Bartlett engaged in mining operations in the Hartville District, mining first copper then iron. He was the first to locate and operate the famous deposits in the Sunrise District. He also first gave to the world the story of the remains once known as the "Spanish Diggings."

Rancher, Businessman, Miner

Charles A. Guernsey, early pioneer, cattleman and business man who developed the mines in the Hartville and Sunrise Districts. In 1889, Guernsey purchased the famous Sunrise mine from the original locators for its value as a producer of high grade steel ore. The Guernsey home cabin has been removed and relocated near the entrance of Sunrise.

C F & I Founder

Osgood a self made man who in 1892, founded the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company. In 1899 iron ore production was shifted to Sunrise mine. Strikes in 1894 and 1901 were costly to CF&I where Osgood insisted management knew what was best for the miners. Strikes at other Colorado mines left CF&I financially weakened causing John D. Rockefeller to eventually win a stock war in 1903, and Osgood lost control of CF&I.

Sr. and Jr.

Rockefeller Senior's financial adviser, brought John D. Rockefeller in to help finance the loan to bail out CF& I. Analysis of the company's operations by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. showed a need for substantially more funds which were provided in exchange for acquisition of CF&I. The 1913-14 strike along with the Ludlow Massacre mobilized public opinion against Rockefeller Jr. to restor the reputation of the family name, he financed changes in Sunrise like the construction of the YMCA, and Hospital.


Hartville Uplift


Capt. Verling Hart

Major Verling Hart

Major Verling K. Hart, once an officer at Ft. Laramie, gave his name to the town of Hartville when he opened a copper mine here.
Geological Uplift Illistration

Hartville Uplift

A geological formation that takes its name from the town, Hartville is cal;led the Hartville Uplift. In geology it is where the vertical elevation of the earth's surface is elevated up by natural causes as is the area around Hartville.


1900 "We Have a Mine"

C and W Railroad Hartville

C & W Railroad

The Colorado and Wyoming Railroad completed the railroad into Sunrise Wyoming April 25th, 1900.
Boiler House

Boiler House

March 27th 1904 the smokestack was erected on the Boiler House. This would provide steam power and heat to the operation.
Shaft 1

Shaft #1

Sinking of Shaft No. 1 started December 1902. It was to be six foot by eighteen feet. Initial depth was 200 feet, later it was deepened to 320 feet.


Sunrise Glory Hole around 1920

Sunrise "Glory Hole"

The type of mining that was done at Sunrise from 1906 to 1941 was called Glory Hole mining. It originated in Minnesota and Michigan.
Glory Hole today

"Glory Hole" Today

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Sunrise fire truck
Sunrise fire truck today

Sunrise Fire Truck

Sunrise Fire Truck Today

Colorado Fuel & Iron Company

Colorado Fuel & Iron Company





PO Box 30, Hartville, Wyoming 82215
Ph: (307) 331-8810


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